As all of you, My Dear Readers know by now, I now reside at LEGACY HILO. For those of you who do not know, LEGACY HILO is ………. a ……..a …….. NURSING HOME. I understsnd that there in Japan, you have GROUP HOMES. And I am wondering if Nursing Homes and Group Homes were the same thing.
Anyway, LEGACY HILO is where I live now and it is my FIRST Easter here. And even though I have had both of my CoVid Shots —- The Vaccine,—– I still can not go out because I have not yet re-learned to walk since I fell last year. I am still not use to NOT being able to do stuff for myself and NOT being able to go out and shop and have my PLAY DAYS like I used to do. To get out of bed, I can not yet do it on my own so I am lifted out by a machine called a HOYER lift. This takes me to my wheelchair and puts me in and then returns me to my bed when I need to go back. The C.N.A.’s operate the machine so nothing goes wrong while I am sitting in it and being transferred.
Just today, I found out what kind of a place that LEGACY HILO is. I was not told you see. Not really. So I never really knew. And right now, I do not think it would be a wise thing if you asked your Dear Sweet Mary Ann-san how she feels about being in a NURSING HOME. Also, I do not think it a wise thing right now if I came out and told you how I feel about it. I think the only reason I learned what kind of place this is, is because I asked my most favorite C.N.A., whose name is EDNA, so I could explain to all of you, My Dear Readers and Friends and Fans what kind of place this is. And the reason I do not wish at this time to tell you of how I feel about this is because I am still in shock about the whole thing. And my shock is partly due to anger and hurt and something else that I can not explain right now. It can wait. FOR NOW.
That is because I am here to tell you about my Easter Holiday.
Now, you would probably think in a place like this, nothing would be happening and Holidays are a thing of the past. Well, being that I have already spent one set of our Major Holidays here — Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, — and all went terrifically, I still wondered what my Easter would be like, even after also spending Valentine’s Day in this place. Oh yeah, and Saint Patrick’s Day too. Saint Patrick’s Day was the only BUST Holiday for me. All the other ones were okay.
So ……. on to Easter.
After watching The Good Friday Service, (Mass is NEVER said on Good Friday.), and 2 Easter Vigil Masses on Holy Saturday —- PLUS —– The 1st Easter Sunday Mass that night, I was doing pretty well actually. THEN, on Easter Sunday, I watched every Easter Mass their was that I could see. The masses were from Rome, Washington D.C., California, and Alabama. Also on Easter Sunday, I also managed to watch a few great Westerns because of it was “Saddle Up Weekend” and this weekend they were showing James Stewart Westerns on T.V.
It was only after the movies were done that I finally found myself relaxing. It had been a very quiet Sunday.
A very quiet EASTER Sunday.
I found myself sighing.
Then suddenly, somebody came into my room with a beautiful clear colored bag with gorgeous, huge, orange, yellow, and pink flowers with a wide, pink ribbon, dotted with white dots on one side as a handle, and handed it to me saying it was for me. After I took the bag, said thank you and the deliverer left, I checked out the contents.
Inside the bag was a clear box with wide slits and Hershey’s Candy KISSES, Werther’s Original Candies, a Cadbury CRÈME Egg, and 2 REESES Pieces Eggs.
BUT ……… My Dear Ones! That wasn’t all there was there. There was also an Easter Present. A long shaped SOMETHING wrapped in yellow tissue paper and tied with a thin, bright, pink ribbon, and a beautiful Easter Card.
The Easter Card was from my Godparents —- Karen and George.
And the special present they included with all the delicious candy?
(Blessed, of course).
I was thrilled with it all.
My Easter Bunnies had come !!!!
I was SO HAPPY !!!!
( It was still quite early in the evening so I called my Easter Bunnies to THANK them for everything. ).
THEN ………
( Easter Monday is a Holiday in ITALY too)
And it started out just like any other Monday.
Then ………..
The Morning Mail Came.
A BIG WHITE ENVELOPE-PACKAGE written in dark blue ink with my address on was brought to me. It was from CALIFORNIA. From my Daughter in Law, Vivian. In the envelope-package, I found a cute Easter from her inside Balong with 6 boxes of JUNIOR MINTS EGGS —– Creamy Egg Shaped Mints In Dark Chocolate. (Junior Mints are my favorite candy and I don’t get them often and now living it is even harder to get them.).
The Easter Bunny had come again.
This time by way of VIVIAN with my favorite of all candies.
( And yes, I called this Easter Bunny too, to THANK HER. But she wasn’t home in her warren so I left a message.).
So, now My Dears, you know how my Easter turned out.
Best Wishes And Showers Of Blessings For Your Easter Season,
From :
Your Dearest Mary Ann-san