【TEZUKA OSAMU】茅ヶ崎方式英語入門UNIT 4-№.4 英会話学習No.19(英会話あぜりあ JR津田沼・京成津田沼・西船橋・佐倉)
- He is the pioneer of Japan’s animated cartoons.
- You were deeply impressed by the cartoons.
- He made his debut after the war.
- “Atom” soon became very popular among children.
- The title of the film was “Astro Boy” in English.
- Is Honda the pioneer of Japan’s motorcycle producers?
- Were you deeply impressed by Okamoto’s paintings?
- Did her song become popular soon?
- Do children around the world love his animated cartoons?
- Does she go to see a movie very often?
f は、下唇に上の歯を軽く触れ、その隙間から、〔 f 〕(フ)と息を出す。
flag free first film fight for fan
v は、f と同じようにして、上の歯と下唇の隙間から〔 v 〕(ヴ)と言う。
very love give movie arrive
空所を埋めてください。( f と v の音を聞き分けましょう。)
- □ace 2. □ery 3. □ail 4. in□ent 5. mo□ement
- Do you know any other things about Tezuka Osamu?
- What do you know?
1.アニメ漫画(映画) 2.ディズニーの漫画 3.戦後
4.鉄腕アトム 5.アストロ・ボーイ
- He was deeply impressed by Walt Disney’s cartoons.
- He made his debut as a cartoonist after the war.
- Tezuka made the first animated film in Japan.
- The film became very popular among children around the world.
- Is “Astro Boy” the English name of “Atom”?
- Toyota is the pioneer of Japan’s auto makers (car producers).
- I was deeply impressed by the animated cartoon “Snow White” when I was a child.
- The title of Tolstoy’s book is “War and Peace”.
- Hibari’s song soon became popular among Karaoke fans.
- Is “Kimba the White Lion” the English name of “Jungle Taitei”? Yes, it is.
- Is he the pioneer of Japan’s animated cartoons?
- Were you deeply impressed by the cartoons?
- Did he make his debut after the war?
- Did Atom soon become very popular among children?
- Was the title of the film “Astro Boy” in English?
- Yes, it is. 2. Yes, I was. ( No, I wasn’t. ) 3. Yes, it did. ( No, it didn’t.)
- Yes, they do. ( No, they don’t.) 5. Yes, she does. ( No, she doesn’t.)
- f 2. v 3. f 4. v 5. v
- Tezuka graduated from a medical college.
- He set up the first production in Japan to make animation films (or animated films).
- “Kimba the White Lion” is Japan’s first animation film (or animated film) in color.
- Tezuka produced the Robot Pavilion in the Osaka Expo in 1970.
- Some people called him “God of Manga” but he did not like the nickname.
- His memorial museum is in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture.
引用文献:0ZEROからスタート再学習の英語 前編P 24-25,131 茅ヶ崎方式英語会<茅ヶ崎出版>
あぜりあラングエージスクール「Azalea Language School」