#177:Mary Ann Feola progress 2

Hi Hitome,
I checked out the link it looks very nice, and I will tell Mary Ann about it. I am sure she will be delighted that so many are concerned about her.
I went to visit her yesterday and found that she has been moved out of ICU into the Progressive Care Unit of the hospital. This is good! She is doing better. I will include the new address below.

She is looking better but still has a long recovery process ahead. She had the postcard you had sent her and was anxious to share that with me she so much appreciated receiving it and wanted me to thankyou. Also, I remembered to tell her about the new addition soon to arrive. She was thrilled and had a great big smile when I told her that you are going to have another grandchild.

Being in the progressive unit is better for Mary in that she can receive more visitors and has a tv and can have some of her personal items like her laptop.
Her birthday was April 20 and she had gotten a new laptop to replace her old one that was not working well. I brought it to her yesterday, and she could listen to special programs she likes, she too weak right now to use it much though. But hopefully in the future she will be well enough to email again. time will tell. For now, the nurses can turn on tv programing, audio Books, and podcasts. for her and she likes that.

Mary Ann is frustrated that she cannot speak . I try to read her lips (I am not too good at that) and She spells words out by pointing to letters on a chart. I hope her breathing will improve enough that she can breathe on her own during the day without the ventilator because that would allow her to speak. I guess time will tell and we hope for the best for Mary Ann. She is also disappointed that she can’t go back home she enjoyed being at the assisted living facility (Legacy) she had made many friends there. But they do not have the ability to care for Tracheotomy patients. 😩
Her new Address is:
Mary Ann Feola
C/O Hilo Medical Center
Progressive Care Unit, Rm. 364
1190 Waianuenue Avenue,
Hilo, HI 96720

I am heading off to visit her again today. I will try to keep you updated on her condition.
Thankyou for you kind concern,

アンさんブログ画像 Mary Annさんのゴッドマザーからいい知らせが届きました。Mary AnnさんはICUから回復段階棟に移動できました。人と会うことも出来るし、TVもあります。でも、気管切開したので、まだ話すことが出来なくて気の毒ですね。どんどん回復していただきたいですね。

