#178:Mary Ann Update

Dear Hitome,
I wanted to express my condolences for your country on the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It was so heart breaking to hear the news. We continue to hope and pray that the world will find peace and be free from senseless violence.

I wanted to share with you that Mary Ann seems to be doing ok but not enough to be off the ventilator. They think she will continue to need to use it. She is on a wait list to go to Extended Care. It is a convalescent home that can take care of her special needs being a tracheotomy patient. In the meantime, she will continue to reside at the hospital. She is not too happy these days. She can communicate with the nurses and me by writing on a tablet. now . It is shaky for her, but it gets the job done. I wanted her to try and write you an email. but internet access has been a problem for us especially since they moved her to a larger room.. She is watching tv which is good and has taken a liking to drawing a picture each day.

Before I finished this email . . ..

Mary had an emergency she was having trouble breathing, swollen and uncomfortable and running a slight fever. We thought we might loose her. She was brought back to ICU Sunday they have been taking care of her and she seems stabilized again. She is resting comfortable again, but she is heavily sedated for now. I don’t know what the future holds for Mary but for now anyway she seems to be comfortable again. I’ll try to keep you posted.

How is that new little granddaughter doing?


アンさんブログ画像 ハワイ島に住むカレンさんからも安部元首相が銃弾に倒れたことについて、お悔やみの言葉を頂きました。日本ばかりでなく、世界中に衝撃が走りましたね。国を超えて平和と暴力反対を訴えて行きましょう!


