CHOOSING A NAME !!! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
Hey! It is I, your Mary Ann-san back again, playing THE CATCH-UP GAME with you so we can get back on track and be on time with each other. And yes indeed. I am well aware that it is only Thursday and I was not supposed to show up for another two days but like I said, I am trying to play THE CATCH-UP GAME here cause I do not want you, my friends, to miss out on any thing special I may have to say. Besides it was hard for me not to write Blogs for two weeks. But my writing was stopped for a wee bit because of my modem and super big stresses. The stresses, I am still dealing with but at least I can write. Could you possibly picture what would happen if your Mary Ann-san took a REAL VACATION?? WOW!
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW YOU GOT YOUR NAME? What your parents went through when choosing it? I found myself thinking about name choosing and……..OH NO My Dear Ones. Your Mary Ann-san is definitely NOT pregnant. Not at seventy years old I am not. But I got to thinking about the choosing of names all the same.
When it comes to name choosing, we definitely do not have any say in the matter at all. And this subject came to mind when
I suddenly found myself thinking about the names of my children that I never had. I have had the names all picked out for years you see. A long time ago I had chosen ANTHONY NICHOLAS and DAVID CARDINALE for boys and my girls names were chosen as well. CATHERINE ANNE and APRILE ROSE. For another girl I thought of LUGLIO JAVA MEZZANOTTE. The name Luglio is the Italian name for the month of July and Mezzanotte is the Italian word for MIDNIGHT—-as in 12 o’clock midnight.
Actually if you are looking for honesty here, all of these names are names of my characters in my novel CAINHUNTER and since they were not going to be my childrens’ names, I put them in my novel when the time finally came. And Luglio Java Mezzanotte just stuck with me. It was my favorite.
As for other names in the boy category, I have always liked my all-time favorite author’s name: (JOHN) Michael Crichton. Couldn’t you just see it? Michael Crichton Feola? Or just Crichton Feola? Oh fine.
I guess you will have to admit that that is quite a list of names I have chosen considering as I said, that you do not have any say so in the matter when you are born. And come to think of it, I do not think that my late Father (Poppy) had any say so in the choosing of my name either. In fact I am quite sure it was my Mother who said: We are naming our daughter after MY MOTHER, Mary Ann, and that was it. SUBJECT CLOSED. As a baby at the time, I had no say. And why my Poppy never spoke up at the time was beyond me. Except that maybe my name could have wound up being MYRTLE FLORENCE instead of Mary Ann.
My Poppy’s Mother’s name was Myrtle Florence.
One thing I am very sure about though. I would never, never, ever, name my daughter after me. I would not dare do that to the poor dear child. It would not be right or fair. How horrible that she would be stuck with my name. I could not do that to her.
No child should begin their life with a name not suited to them or one they do not like. I would have chosen CATHERINE.
But that is me.
Then again, it was I, your Mary Ann-san, who became a Feola.
Of Catherine? I am not so sure.
Would MY TONY have waited for Catherine to grow up?
He have married her instead? Would Catherine be a widow and seventy today?
Would Catherine have meant my Tony at all?
Somehow, someway, I doubt it. Very Much.
Mary Ann-san
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。