GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS!!! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉


Just for you I checked the Weather here. Oh. I know what it is outside. Thunderstorms…..all day. I was talking about the low temperatures. The weather report said a low of 67 degrees. Because of the wind you could take about 20 degrees off of that and you would have it about right. Maybe 30 degrees off. That is what it feels like to me here. Perhaps if I closed the front door, it might help a bit? Anyway, I pity ANYONE who has to go outside today. And I pity the TOURISTS too who are coming in today. I mean after all, they come to Hawaii because of our beautiful climate and our warm sunny skies. And look at what we have for them today. Nothing but WET, WET, WET. I am so sorry. What is good though is that I have BLOG # 48 for you and that is worth more than a zillion Thunderstorms!!!


Well, My Darling Readers, here I am, your Mary Ann-san, two weeks into my Lent and I really did not think I was going to get ANYTHING accomplished. Not the way I was going. True, I gave up my Cookies. But I wanted to do more. I wanted to do something that showed that I have at least done something with regard to my Lent. So, I prayed a lot. And with my prayers to God came the realization that I have been Slothful. As in Lazy and Looking For Excuses Not To Do Anything. So, I prayed some more and asked God to help me, to give me the strength I needed to get some work done around here. My Dreaded House Chores.

Were my prayers answered?

You betcha!

Oh. I am hurting big time today and can barely move right now. When I went to bed last night, there wasn’t a place in my entire body that was not hurting. I do not think I ever worked so hard in my entire life. Not even when I was working full-time packing the papayas. But I thanked God for my hurts because they were good. I worked a good 11 hours yesterday. I barely ate because I knew if I did, I would quit working long before I was supposed to. And I did not want to do that because I am working on cleaning my KITCHEN.

Did you notice, My Dear Readers, that I said: I AM working on my Kitchen? I AM. I am far from being done. By my judgement I think I am perhaps about one-fourth of the way done. Perhaps even less. I do not really know.

What I do know is this. It is pouring rain outside. Non-stop. My coffee is ice-cold and I am nearly frozen. BUT…… day is just beginning and I got so much done yesterday that I am excited to continue my Kitchen Work. Eleven hours work yielded me 5 bags of trash and a box to go out. That should say I am doing something.


And it feels SO good!

And Thank You God That My Lent Is Going To Be Successful!!!

It is with great HAPPINESS that I shall keep you posted!

Oh Yes!

With Aloha,
Your Mary Ann-san.

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。

