Hawaii/Summer/Mainland/Spring 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉


Hey! My Friends! A lot of stuff is going on here at the moment but I am concerned about is this Blog and all of you and how our friendship is going. That is so important…..and it is so very meaningful to me. Getting today’s Blog out is my biggest thing and it is what I want. It is such a joy writing a BLOG every week. I LOVE IT!

BLOG: # 108 : Hawaii/Summer/Mainland/Spring

It’s Here. No, Darlings. Not our Hawaiian Spring. Our Killer Hawaiian Summer! Yes it is here. That means no Spring for us at all here in the islands while the Mainland part of the USA gets a beautiful Spring, we here roast in Summer Heat for three extra months with wickedly mean HIGH temperatures that even this lady, your Dear and Sweet Mary Ann-san STILL isn’t used to after living here all these years. And having to keep both the bedroom and the parlor fans on HIGH 24/7.

I was awakened by the HEAT at 6:30 a.m. this morning and had to put the fans on so here it begins. Can you believe it was already 81 degrees here at 6:30 a.m.???? At just the beginning of the day????
Can you guess what it will be like later on? Not just today but for the rest of our Summer?

Like when our real Summer hits in June and July and August?

And once again, think of my poor little cat Baby Paws in that Killer Heat. Both of us will be living on only water while The Mainland part of the United States will be enjoying Spring flowers and light temperatures and days in mini pools if not a beach some place. Beaches are not only for Summer Time you know. Over here in Hawaii they are a daily thing.

Rain is forecast for Hilo but who knows how much? And of course we can not live without water so…..one can only hope.

The Mainland part of the United States is so lucky. They are the ones who have those lovely season changes that I miss here. But Hawaii is what it is and it is exactly why people come here. For OUR Summer

Lucky them? Or Lucky us?

Mary Ann-san

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。

