IS CHRISTMAS DONE YET??? 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
My Dear Readers……..
Sadly, this year is ending. And a new one is coming. But before it does, there is something that I, your Mary Ann-san must clear up. At least where I am concerned and that is the answer to the question which just happens to be the title of this week’s Blog which is also my last Christmas Blog of this, our first year together. But worry not, My Dear Ones, next year, in 2018, there will be plenty more, believe me. And that I am looking forward to. I can not wait.
But in the mean time, let us consider both what the answer to the biggest question of all should be and also could be and hope for the best for everyone. And so we ask :
Oh My Everyone! It is the twenty-sixth of December, 2017, a beautiful Tuesday, and Christmas is done for yet another year. Oh yeah? Who said? Well, when you look at the calendar and the date has passed the twenty-fifth of December, according to that, Christmas is done.
But…… my Church it isn’t. In fact it has just barely started. We are still singing Carols during the first week of January. And Russian Christmas isn’t until January the seventh.
So, is Christmas truly done?
I think not My Dear Readers…….especially when you consider
that even though my Christmas Supper is over and most of my presents have been opened, the decorations and trees are not down yet and remain up until the end of January and sometimes later, I am already in thought over and about next Christmas and what I will be purchasing then.
In fact, to be perfectly honest, your Mary Ann-san has already began her Christmas Shopping for 2018 already and have even gone as far as to wrap a few presents and put them aside because I plenty of wrapping paper, tags, and tape. I even have bows and tissue paper.
My Dear Sweet and Most Precious Readers! Do you think for one minute, your Dear and Adorable Mary Ann-san would kid you about something as serious as this? No Way My Darlings! When it comes to doing stuff from Christmas, I do not kid around. NOT EVER. I am like Saint Nicholas himself, getting ready for Christmas all year. Doing the Christmas Thing is the only time I get to PLAY BIG TIME!
Yes…..I did say…..Play Time…..which is a thing much bigger than even my Play Days. When I go into Christmas PLAY TIME, I usually have to begin when The New Year starts cause I shop for things all year long and when I do this I am usually done with everything including my Christmas cards long before anyone I know has even had a twinkle of an idea of shopping early for Christmas. I could be done by July next year. Who knows? And Thanksgiving? Well, I try to do pretty big there too. After all, it’s THE HOLIDAYS.
So for me, your lovely Mary Ann-san,……the answer to biggest question of all: IS CHRISTMAS DONE YET???
My answer is definitely NO. And I doubt, joyfully, that it ever will be.
And now that you all know this, can we please move on to the biggest PARTY NIGHT OF ALL…..?
With Love, Aloha, And The Best Of Wishes,
From Your Beloved Mary Ann-san
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。