WINTER CLEAN-UP !! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I really hope your Holiday was super great and your first week of 2018 turned out to be just wonderful for you all. I am just happy to begin The New Year with you! I, your dear Mary Ann-san, have missed you!
This first Blog of the New Year is Number 41. I hope it is a fun read for you considering the subject. I myself got excited about it. That is because it is a new beginning.
Here’s To All Of You And To Everything And Everyone New!
The New Year has finally come at last. It is here and has been celebrated in the biggest way possible. With lots of noise and happiness and excitement. For me, your Mary Ann-san who has happily blogged her way here with great love, my New Years Eve was much more louder than normal. Where I live, here in Hilo at Puueo Villas, New Years Eve is sort of quiet because by the time MIDNIGHT shows up here, the firecrackers and fireworks people have bought are all finished and shot off in the beauty of the night because little kids can not stay awake so late.
But this New Years Eve was different. It was loud. And I mean LOUD! I stayed home and did not truly party all that big. But still, the night was LOUD! From where I was, the fireworks and firecrackers were going off super early and both children and adults were screaming outside in their fun and joyfulness. I couldn’t believe it.
I saw The New Year “IN” of course, but I just did not go to the door to look out.
My Bad.
Because I did not, I have been behind schedule doing stuff around here ever since.
And this brings us to the subject of this brand new BLOG. Number 41. It is a New Year and we need to get going. We need to get started with our : WINTER CLEAN-UP !!
I am not sure what everyone else’s house looks like about now, since maybe Christmas Trees bought right after Thanksgiving are still up and will be so probably until the end of January when most people finally take them down and put their decorations away, but my place, well, I have a lot of major cleaning up to do so that is why I am personally writing this Blog in the first place. To get me started too.
There are memories of Christmas 2017 all over this place. A basket of fruit on my table half-way through being eaten, a large 24 ounce can of Danish Butter Cookies in the same condition. There is Christmas Gift Wrapping Paper and Tissue Paper all over the place and the opened gifts some of which came in beautifully colored bags with Santa on them, and Snowflakes and Reindeer and gorgeous bows and name tags.
And in MY case: some gifts that are here and ready to be wrapped and gift tagged for THIS (2018) Christmas and hidden away until the proper moment in time.
And THEN, if this was not enough, there is a matter of the kitchen and have you eaten all the Christmas and New Years food leftovers yet….if there were any? Yes. There is the kitchen clean-up in that Winter Clean-up too,
And dare I go as far as to mention that also in your Winter Clean-Up (also in MY case) there was clean-up to do BEFORE the Holiday came that should have been done LONG AGO probably that you didn’t quite finish or even did not quite get to yet that still has to be done before Spring arrives? Well, I DID say in MY case.
So, in MY case, I had better get started with MY Winter Clean-Up so I don’t have to worry so much about a Spring and Summer Clean-Up and can be truly ready for THIS (2018) Christmas and New Years (2019).
With Love,
Your Beloved,
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。