LEARNING TO BE PATIENT ! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉


Hey! It is I, Mary Ann-san. I am back. And no, I did not abandon you. My computer Modem died yet again and left me high and dry. So I am sending Blog #51 now for you to read. So sorry for the wait. I have tough computer issues most of the time and that is something that your Dear Mary Ann-san must always have to put up with without knowing why. Happy Reading!


My Dear Readers, I must tell you that right now as I write this Blog—Number 51—this is Monday of our Church Holy Week — the week before Easter— and I am still in my Lent which this year ends on 28 March.

Spring has already come and began according to every calendar I know. But so far, except for 17 March, Saint Patrick’s Day which was just beautiful, all it has done is rain here. It has been cold and Winter-like still. HERE! IN HILO, HAWAII, USA. The place where it is supposed to be like Summer year round.

I, for one, am still waiting here for Spring to come. It was bad enough last year when Hawaii’s Autumn Season here on The Big Island disappeared and Winter came flying in early like a bat out of you-all-must-know-where and stayed around without asking anyone’s permission for the extra weeks like nobody’s business with its freezing cold rain and icy cold South Winds—and look— !!! — its here still and that thing that calls itself a calendar still claims it is Spring.

Perhaps by Easter Sunday, Spring WILL come.

So…..what does all this weather talk have to do with my Blog? Oh! Just everything!

You see, Dear Readers, My Dear Friends, waiting for Spring, Easter, even Summer—your Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Years, even The Fourth of July (America’s Independence Day), another Autumn, and yes, even yet another Winter, is all about learning to be patient; and waiting, having to wait, leads to learning to be patient.

But guess what? Take it from me, your Dear Mary Ann-san, and trust me. Being patient and learning to be patient is definitely NOT easy.

Oh, I have been told by many who know me or who think they know me that I am very patient. And yes, it’s true. I am. But only when I am dealing with certain things. I am patient with my cat, Paws; when I am reading, when I am cooking, when I am writing—whether it be my Blogs to all of you or whether I am writing my novel. There are plenty of things I am patient in—or it that—patient at?

I am even patient sometimes when it comes waiting. (In prior days like as in several years ago, I sometimes waited 2 hours for a taxi, only to learn about the taxi’s break down later).

Up until last night (Sunday), I was waiting for two things. My lady-friend and her family (parents and adopted sister) went to Oahu to visit family (her Aunties and Uncles) and I was waiting for their return home. I called my friend Sunday night and we had a nice talk. The trip was fun for her (my friend) because she had never been off-island before. And I was waiting for their return home because before they left, we (my friend, her Mother and I), had planned to go out to Lunch together to a Japanese restaurant here in Hilo. We are supposed to go on 27 March but my friend will now have to call me back sometime today to let me know if we are still going because her Mother is now not feeling well. I understand of course about things like this, but still all this waiting takes patience.

And sometimes however, there are a lot of times in fact, when I really lack patience. This usually happens for me when I have personally planned something BIG mostly for a Holiday or special event. And it falls through and I get super upset.

This is when I have LEARN to be patient. And I have to really WORK at it. And I AM working at it. I really am. I am learning to be patient. When things do not go my way or the way I personally want them to I am slowly learning how to or learning to turn my disappointments and my Bad Days and my Hurting Days over to God and let HIM handle it all for God is most patient, most kind, most loving, most compassionate, most understanding. And I am glad HE is in my life and that HE created me. I would not have it any other way.

But even so—as for learning to be patient—there are sometimes when I am still learning how to be that. It is a hard thing to admit, I know. But I will learn how—we will all learn patience one day. And we will learn also how to WAIT.

To WAIT on something REALLY takes patience.


Trust Your Mary Ann-san. I know.

Aloha From Your
Mary Ann-san

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。

