LOVE IS……. 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
Hello Everyone! It is I, your Mary Ann-san from Hilo, U.S.A. We have been through so much together and I feel so wonderful that I just want to share my Happiness today but in a way in which we all can learn and share and be of joy. In this, my Dear Blog Readers, I remain, most hopeful.
LOVE IS…….….……………….
I would like to ask you all, please………how was your day? How is it going?
Has it been easy, smooth, hard, rough? Horrible? Wonderful? Marvelous? Trying? Tiring? Terrific? Terrible? Fabulous, fantastic, too bad for words? Hos about too GOOD for words?
Or was it the worst day of all time?
Did you get a new job today or were you fired or laid off from one you had for years? Did your day end with you being in the unemployment line? Were you told off or did you tell off someone? Perhaps your boss or some superior who works under him? Do you feel that you are working too much and want to say so to some one. but feel it a lost cause? Or perhaps you think you are not working enough and want to say so?
And you Children? What of you? How about your day? Was it totally and magnificently awesome or did it go flat for you?
Are you fabulously wealthy right now or poor? Sick? Hungry and hurting perhaps?
Is a family member of yours in the hospital or a care home?
Have you recently lost some one through death? A sister, a brother, a husband, a wife, a cousin, daughter, son, step-parents, step-children, an aunt, an uncle, nephew, niece, one or both parents, and or grand-parents? Is a family member missing?
Have you recently become divorced?
And Hai, My Dear Readers! I know what you are all thinking just about now.
Say there, Mrs. Mary Ann-san……….How come you are asking all your devoted readers this?
Well, I am asking first of all, because I fall into at least one of these categories myself. And Hai! Hai! Hai! I said I DO—not I DID. I said I DO……as in RIGHT NOW. AT THIS MOMENT. AT THE WRITING OF THIS 21st Blog.
Also, I was going to tell you to take all the negative words I asked you about your day and throw them out and concentrate only on the good, pleasing sounding, and positive ones. But I would be wrong in asking you to do that because we all must take Life as it is given to us. We must take the good and the evil with it. This is so everything evens out.
The Chefs have a saying which I now constantly use on almost a daily basis: It Is What It Is.
And I am saying we must take everything we are given in Life because what is the use of having only all the good or only all the bad?
It is only when you have BOTH that you can appreciate what you are GIVEN and when you do THAT you appreciate all the more, what you HAVE.
And when you understand this…….you learn about Peace.
And when you have Peace…… begin to learn and to know……through yourself and through others…….what LOVE IS.
And when you have Peace and Love within you, all is good.
I Remain,
Your Most Devoted Friend,
Your Dear,
Mary Ann-san
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。
「Azalea Language School」