UNEXPECTED FUN !! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉

Hey Everyone!! How are all of you this week? Just wonderful I am hoping, and having a great time at whatever is happening with you that is bringing you Happiness!! I am thinking of all of you with love!!


Greetings To You All !!

To Begin: I just HAVE to say…….

If you are anything at all like me, your Sweet Mary Ann-san, and you have kind of had a week full of too much busy-ness, too many appointments, too many House Chores to do, too many things coming up at the last minute that you can do without and one of those marvelous Play Days that I wrote to you all about back in Blogs # 5 through # 7, is OUT for you this week because there is WAY too much stuff going on, you begin to hope for something NEW to happen !! Something that will put an extra BIG smile on your face. Am I right? I bet I am !!

Also, as to getting this something to happen and come about especially if it hasn’t happened yet, you have to get excited about it and do more than hope. You have to KNOW in your heart that something good and exciting is going to happen. True…. you might have to wait a tiny bit for it, but I assure you, it will come, whatever is planned.

In my case…..my UNEXPECTED FUN !! came first, by the way of a Telephone Call. My friend called and asked me if I wanted to go out with her and her Mom for Luncheon this weekend. I said yes, cause my friend just had a Birthday, and THIS would give me the chance to take her out to celebrate. She wanted to see if I was able to do this today (Saturday). And of course I said yes! I just can not wait because I love celebrating Birthdays and doing Holidays and stuff. Your Mary Ann-san is really into that. So I am looking forward to this. And naturally, there will be a yummy cake at the end. Chocolate !! And Ice Cream too !! And perhaps there will be more going on after the Luncheon, who knows?

And even though a Birthday Celebration is always BIG…..an UNEXPECTED FUN day, does not have to be. One of these days is sort of like a PLAY DAY except when it is unexpected you do not quite know what will happen but that it will be fun.

And isn’t that what is important here………having FUN and being HAPPY?

So, when your day gets a little too tough………SMILE……..and hunt out some UNEXPECTED FUN !!


ALOHA……..See you next week !!

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。


「Azalea Language School」