PLAY DAY !!! Part #2 英会話「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋
For All My Wonderful Readers In Japan !!!
Hello Again To All of You! What follows here today is Blog # 6—Part # 2
of PLAY DAY!!! I hope you all enjoy the second part of this Fun Blog!!!
PLAY DAY !!! (Part 2) Blog # 6
Let us continue, but back up a little.
As I have said in Blog #5, I have been doing The Play Day Thing for a long time now and yet I still find myself having to explain the meaning of it which is really and truly a good thing because I really enjoy doing it. Plus I have heard almost every excuse NOT to have one. I have listed a few of them in Blog # 5. And when the person I am speaking to answers not in a few seconds but after an actual minute or two or even more than that, it has been W—A—Y too long since they have had one. Let me please help you to understand this the very best I can.
Like: Point One: (This is a very important point): A Play Day does NOT have to take all day if you do not want it to. (Then again maybe you DO want it to OR NEED it to!). It can be a simple thing having this Play Day for yourself, like buying yourself a new outfit to wear, buying new shoes, getting a well-deserved and a long-awaited massage, going to the movies, buying a new book, going to the beach for an hour, buying that lovely pair of earrings you have been wanting. For a man it just might be getting himself that expensive new suit he has been saving up for. Or those cuff links. Or maybe those blue silk handkerchiefs that go with your lady’s new evening bag she just purchased that she has secretly wanted to get since her last Birthday. Dine at one of your home town’s finer restaurants. Your Play Day DOESN’T have to be BIG. Just as long as you do it for YOU and YOU ALONE. And it makes you HAPPY.
Point Two: (This point is also important): Your REASON for wanting or needing the Play Day is very important. What’s what you’re saying? You need an escape from your stresses? You need a Play Day right away! Have that Play Day! Go Out! Enjoy Yourself! Have FUN! And while having your Play Day, do whatever YOU want.
Point Three: (This is the BIGGEST point of all): Let the Girl or Boy CHILD in you COME OUT and HAVE FUN and your Play Day will be a big success!
「Azalea Language School」