STAYING CALM !! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
I guess you all heard about the earthquakes here so I guess it is very easy for you to all understand why I have chosen the Subject Line I have for this week’s Blog. Take care my Friends. Know that you are all loved.
I suppose I do not have to tell you that when an earthquake comes and everything is flying and crashing around you, it is not so easy to stay calm. Like nearly everyone I know, during sometime in their life an earthquake comes. I have been through quite a few of them since I came here to live in the Islands. On Oahu. And here on The Big Island in Hilo. I have felt most of them here. But nothing like I experienced this week. The biggest earthquake that came through hitting us in Hilo was measured at 6.9. The aftershocks were pretty big too. It is hard to stay calm when you are scared and dealing with something like that.
As I write this, I am afraid to go to sleep. And I am also trying to clean up the damage. So far I am on my third and fourth bag of trash full of broken cups, broken glasses and all that stuff. Most of the damage was in the kitchen. In my bathroom I found one item that was broken which had my liquid soap in it and the soap had spilled out onto a towel which I have on my floor to use so I do not slip getting out from the bathtub. In my bedroom , nothing was broken (THANK YOU GOD!), However, my LANDLINE and my LAMP had fallen off my Nightstand. The base for the phone and the phone itself I found in two different places. (I found the base in plain sight but the phone was underneath my bed). Also, I have a huge picture of The Big Island on my bedroom wall. Well, I did. It is now on the floor. The glass did not crack but I shall to have someone put it back up for me. I found a bunch of my clothes hangers on the floor, my Cross, and my late husband’s picture was on the floor too. My stepson’s one and my late father’s pictures were safe and untouched.
Then there is the matter of my books. They flew everywhere and are all over the place. I managed to get most of them back in place. The ones in the bedroom and most of the ones in the parlor. There is one room I have not checked yet. My craft room which used to be my second bedroom. I will get to that.
Believe it or not, writing this Blog to all of you is helping me stay calm. I just hope we do not have any more earthquakes or aftershocks for awhile, and I am hoping my cat Paws who has been outside the entire time returns soon because I do not want to lose him from the earthquakes.
The stuff that is broken can be replaced at some point. But your pet, no. My neighbor’s pet dog came home. I am just waiting for Paws.
Aloha ……..
Mary Ann-san
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。