WHAT TO DO WHEN THE THORNY ISSUES COME !!! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉


Hey! It is such a great joy to be with you again! I look SO forward to my special day with all of you. It is just such great fun. It is something that I truly enjoy and want and need. And I thank you for being there for me. I LOVE YOU ALL !!! Have fun today.


No, My Sweet Ones.

This Blog has nothing to do with Gardening.

But I wish it did and it should really since it is Spring and even though it has been raining a lot the flowers are blooming and it is a great time to be alive. And gardens are so beautiful no matter how big or how small they are. They smile with all their glory and show it all to everyone who comes to enjoy it all. Gardens bring joy and happiness to everyone. You do notice that don’t you when you look at one, spend your time in one, with one, or on one as in working on one?

So sorry to say that I, your Dear Mary Ann-san, has not got one. A garden I mean. Being that I live in an apartment complex, there is no garden where I am. And believe me, that is sad because I love flowers and though I do not garden myself, because I never learned how to and my late Mother certainly did not take the time to teach me when I was a young girl-child, I feel I lost out. I think I would give anything to learn. And I have no tools to teach me how or books on the subject to learn from. This also is sad because I read constantly.

What I also love—and this may surprise all of you—is—The Bonsai. However, as much as I love them I know nothing about how to care for such a beautiful thing. So for now I can only dream about having one because I know not a single thing about the pruning of it or what to use to care for it. I wish I could take a class to learn. How fun that would be.

Okay. I can hear all of you now that you have read my Blog this far. But Mary Ann-san, I thought you said that your Blog had nothing to do with Gardening. Where do The Thorny Issues come in?

My Sweet Readers: I have to let you all in on a little secret.

This Blog (#55) was not supposed to be about Gardening and Flowers and my (also secret) love for The Bonsai at all. My original plan was to tell you all, what you should do when times come up bringing with them issues during your days (and nights) that are bothersome and full of problems and things that hurt that you are trying to get rid of but can’t because there does not seem to you like there is a way to solve them all because there are too many. Or there may be one or two problems you may be having that come suddenly and they will not go away. And I had originally planned to sit here and tell you all about mine because I do have a lot of THORNY ISSUES that come my way.

In fact, to be perfectly honest with you all, I AM dealing with one right now. However, when I began tonight’s Blog, and I opened it with the sentence that my Blog had nothing to do with Gardening, I immediately pictured one and saw all the beauty within and my THORNY ISSUE had no choice but to disappear.

So then……

What Do You Do When Thorny Issues Come?

Think about something you like, that you love, something beautiful . Something that brings joy and happiness to your heart. And in time,, all your THORNY ISSUES will flee.

With Deepest Love And Aloha,
Your Most Devoted Mary Ann-san

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。

