ALMOST A DAY OF REST !!!! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉


Hello! Yes! I, your Mary Ann-san, am still here and ready to write this week’s Blog to you and after which I will go and make my supper and eat and enjoy. But first things first. The joy of writing the Blog for this week comes first so that I must have fun in my day and be with you and share my day with you. So, here we go, as Blog #75 awaits and now begins!


My Dear Readers!

You would think with a Hurricane coming through over here in Hilo, one could rest because, I mean, what can you do but stay indoors and stay as dry as one can and stay safe. I mean with nothing but rain and wind to keep one company for several days, where is one going? This one time when you have a car, but can not or do not DARE drive any place. That is, IF, you know how to drive, which I, do not so I am missing nothing.

While waiting for the end of this, which may or may not come soon, I find that the Hurricane has been down-graded to a Tropical Storm, which, yay, is actually a good thing. While there is still plenty of rain happening, and there will be for a while yet, there are BREAKS in this Hurricane/Tropical Storm here now, which, happily gives ME a break which means that I, your Mary Ann-san, can actually get some of my very much hated House Chores done around here.

So, Laundry, here I come.

But even THAT almost did not happen. Why? Cause I was NOT watching where I was going as I headed toward the kitchen to feed Paws, and I accidently tripped over the metal strip that leads from the parlor to the kitchen, and I fell flat on my face. I have not checked for bruises yet on my right side where I fell, but I can bet they are there even though nothing hurts right now except the regular pains I have to deal with every day. But the good news is, PAWS did get fed and I was back on my feet with the help of my Walker, in no time.

After Prayer Time (maybe I should have prayed first and then the accident would not have occurred?) I managed to get downstairs to do my Laundry. I managed a nap during the DRYING of everything. And fortunately, there was not much rain.

So…..YAY for only and just……a Tropical Storm?

Yes, I will take it because it helped me get my Laundry done. And have almost a day of rest after several days of nothing BUT that.

It means the Hurricane is almost done and all we have to do is wait for the next one. I mean, after all, the Hurricane Season here begins EVERY YEAR on THE FIRST OF JUNE and ENDS on THE LAST DAY OF NOVEMBER so, we still have a way to go yet. And so, we wait and hope that we can get through another year without a Hurricane hitting Hilo.

We here in Hilo have been fortunate actually. As long as I have been here, all I have gotten have been the big rains. And some wind.

Let’s hope it stays that way!

Until next week, please take care. I love you all.

Your Dear
Mary Ann-san

Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。

