I, The Cat !!! 「あぜりあ」本八幡・西船橋・津田沼・佐倉
TO EVERYONE: All My Loves, Dear Ones, Adored Ones, And Sweet Ones, And All Of My Ones For Whom I Deeply Care!
This Weekend is Memorial Day Weekend everyone. Memorial Day which is 27 May 2019 this year is the day that is dedicated to all those who fought in the wars. Actually the real day is supposed to be on May 30th. My lady-friend, who was born on the last day of May was born on what she says or calls The Day After The Day Of The Dead. I found out that 31 May is something else. In our Catholic religion it is THE VISITATION OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER. That is how I remember my friend’s Birthday. I win. My lady-friend, will be 82 on 31 May.
Another thing that you might like to know, my Dear Ones is that Memorial Day is also becoming known as: The First Un- Official Day of Summer making this the First Unofficial Weekend of Summer: no matter what the calendar comes up with. The thing is, I don’t have anything to party with this weekend for Monday yet. YET. So we will see.
So now that all of you will know what is happening here, let us get on with our Blog, # 115. Last week it was WOOF! WOOF! WOOF?
This week I decided it was only fair to give The Cats equal time as you bring out those grills and other good things and the food to BBQ while you read. Happy Reading!!!!
BLOG: # 115 : I, The Cat !!!
I think I am turning into my CAT.
As I look at my Baby Paws right now, stretched out on my parlor table where my Supper should have been eaten and enjoyed, his eyes closed, but ears open and listening for every tiny movement going on in this place, including my own, I feel like I am slowly turning into him.
Oh no, My Darlings. It is not the fur or the paws or the face (MASK), or the ears. Or even the tail. No. No. No. It is not any of that at all.
From what I understand, cats sleep something like nineteen hours a day. Really. That is what I have heard.
Can you picture Baby Paws sleeping for nineteen hours a day? I think it is possible now that I have watched him awhile. Man. Nothing bothers him. And I mean NOTHING. Especially if his sleep is SUPER DEEP.
And then there is ME.
I THINK Your Dear Mary Ann-san is catching up to him.
I slept 13 hours last evening. And that was in BED and does not include any of the dozing I did while sitting here at my laptop
Binge-watching the shows on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT, part of the time. Time goes fast when you are binge-watching shows on HULU. Those 13 hours plus of sleep are the reason why the Blog of “I, The Cat!” is being done TONIGHT and NOT this morning. And this deeply loving CAT-person hopes you all understand.
The way things are going, moving-wise that is, I am still here yet and so is PAWS and I am worried and I am sure that Paws somehow knows this because the other morning when I awakened, he was right beside me and I petted him, and I told him not to worry because we would find a place for US, a place that accepts cats. I am NOT going without him.
Paws also knows my schedule. He knows when I sleep and when I am awake. When I am hurting and most of the time, what to do about it..
I may not have the fur and all the other important cat stuff but our sleeping schedules are terrific.
I would like to come back as a CAT I think. Without the fleas naturally. Any kind would do of course, but either a Siamese or a Himalayan would be nice.
I wonder what the chance of that would be.
Probably NONE.
However, I could hope, I guess.
Oceans Of ALOHA To You All And TONS Of MEOWS And PURRS
From Your Dear Mary Ann-san
Mary Annさんはカリフォルニア生まれです。